Sun 12/7/2019

Today me and daddy drove from home to Katoomba and went to Scenic World and we did everything there is to do, and then we went to our apartment.

This is me on an old model rail way at Scenic world.

We also went on both sky ways and this is me on the second one which had some glass flooring.

This train is 52° sloped so hold on tight!

This is where me and Daddy went to have our tea which was sushi.

Today the temperature is 2° but it feels like -9°

Sat 13/7/2019

This is what I had for breakfast this morning.

But I couldn’t eat it all.

We also went bush walking for 3 hours and this is about 1/4 quarter down.

This is about half way down at a mini water fall.

This is about 3/4 quarters down at a place called witches leap.

And this is at the bottom next to a massive water fall.

These are at the very bottom and then we got soaking wet and had to go back up.

Me and Daddy went to tea which was sushi and it was delicious.


Me and my Daddy went on a bush walk at Evans lookout to grand canyon track today and it was amazing!

volcano cloud

This is at Evans lookout before we started.

This is just a few minutes down from the top and I thought it was a little bit weird how it was curved.

This was about half way down and it was so beautiful

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  1. What a great adventure! I’m still not tempted to go on that vertical railway but I’m glad you’re having fun 🐾❄️😊

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