This blog is all about a bushwalk at Dangars Gorge

At the start of the walk you can either go up or down. If you up the first thing you will see is this:

This first view is only a very short walk away which is obvious from the moment you get out of the car and hear the waterfall straight away. The second view is not much further but is way more beautiful and less locked by trees. This is the second view

The last view is only 5 meters away from the second and is absolutely amazing:

After that lookout, it goes back down. After you have gotten back to the carpark you can either go down and have a longer walk you can also have a break just behind the carpark and have a snack or you can go home. If you go down further this is the next amazing view you will have:

After that you will get to a bridge where these are the views:

After you cross that bridge there are heaps of great views through the trees before the next lookout

The next lookout is right next to the top of the waterfall and you can see it from the first lookout going up. The views of the waterfalls from ther are amazing.

This walk is longer than the main one but still shorter than it looks and so worth doing. I thought it was going to be a lot longer than it is to get these amazing views. I definitely recommend doing it whenever you feel like a short and easy bushwalk with the views of one that takes hours

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